Cereals(M) vs Strathmore

03-10-2021 16:30
day 27
16 - 7
28 - 17

Player statistic

    0:59 Goal Peter Omondi
Stephen Tembwa Two Minutes    
    Goal John Wante
John Wante Two Minutes    
    Goal Brian Wakukha
Robert Maranga Two Minutes    
    Goal Thodosia Sangoro
    Goal William Malui
William Malui Two Minutes    
    Goal Nicholas Okore
    Goal Timothy Kirimi
    Goal Francis Sande
Kevin Durant Obungha Goal    
Prevailer Muhani Goal    
Nicholas Munywa “Maestro” Goal    
    Two Minutes Nicholas Munywa “Maestro”
Mwanthi Philip Mumo Goal    
    Two Minutes Allan Simiyu
    Progressive Red Card Allan Simiyu
Richard Momanyi Goal    
Felix Omondi Timon Goal    
IanPeter Rashid Ingwela Goal    
    Two Minutes Brian Murangiri
    Two Minutes Paul Yakobo Ngige
Simon Mutuku Goal    
Maxwell Munene Goal    

Match statistic


Additional information

George Ondeko, Iyese Kennedy
Table Officials
Timothy Mumo, Patrick Ekisa.
KHF Delegates
Dennis Shikunzi
Remarks of referees/IHF Official
Good Match
Team Officials
Off. A - Paul Pudo, Danstun Eshikumo, Edna Khasandi(W), Robert Parlken. Off. B - Peter Mwathi, Kennedy Mugire, Lucas Akatinda, Emmaculate Karuru.

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