The Super Cup recap

(Dan owerre)
National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) and Nairobi Water Queens are 2022 Super Cup chdampions again.

The two giants completed the feat when they got the better of their rivals from the military at the Nyayo National Stadium over the weekend..

NCPB won the men’s tie 29-26 while Water Queens also squeezed out another narrow 29-28 victory over Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) sides respectively.

In an entertaining afternoon juiced up by eshikuti throbs through out the proceedings, the winners just did enough to retain their trophies.

But while it was pretty for the victors, it wasn’t easy at all. They had to battle every which to stem a late rally mounted by the losers.

NCPB broke off a 9-9 deadlock to take a 15-14 cushion as the two teams went to the breather. Water Queens on the other rolled away and hanged up 16-12.

But things completely changed after intermission. It was KDF sides that came out roaring from the blocks time and again sparking off a fiery and lively exchanges.

KDF pegged down NCPB 15-15, 16-16, 17-17, 18-18 and 19-19 before the winners eventually broke away 20-19 on a score by Timothy Kirimi.

It was give and take as the winners confidently managed to stem the KDF tide and conversions from John Wanje and Brian Makokha saw them break away 28-24.

As KDF mounted raids after raids they proved their worst enemies as they wasted their chances by firing off target in the closing minutes.

Cereals had to Timothy Kirimi (6) Robert Maranga and Sande (4) and William Malui (3) to thank. For KDF, Frank Kiplagat (6), Imo and Noah Cheruiyot (5) and Nicholas Ireri (3).

Nairobi Water completed their round robin matches without losing a fixture and at one time had build a 8 goal edge of 26-18 halfway through the last half.

KDFs Sarah Wasike handed a man to man responsibility of checking H2O ever dangerous Brenda Asavai did it well slowing down her offensive onslaught.

KDF made a last minute score to storm right back into contention, 28-29 and as the victors panicked,another push almost bore fruits but for the intervention of Melvin Akinyi.

Akinyi just stretched out her hand and it was that timely stop in the waning seconds that stoped KDF sharing the spoils.

Despite that police marking Ariviza still broke away for (5) goals as did Michelle Oyoo. Gladys Chilo led with (6) while Brenda Musavai and Merina Andala all had (3).

The rampaging Wasike led all scorers (6) goals as did Caren Lutengayi, Winnie Otaya (4) and Euphrasia Mukuhasia (3).

#Three cheers for Sangoro who celebrated both wins (player ncpb and coach water queens).

#Ncpb had also dimmed kdf 24-22 in their group priminary round match. They beat GSU 24-14 in the semis.

# Kdf stunned Strathmore University 24-18 in the other semis.

#water queens remained unbeaten in the ladies round robin matches (6points). They scored 98 goals against 64. Sharkzs lost once (4points) while bagging 81 and conceded 68.

With 2022 season loading, expect alot more fireworks when the whistle goes in May……..

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